Health & Welfare Council of LI

HWCLI coordinates the Long Island Unmet Needs Roundtable to help community members hardest hit by Sandy, those most vulnerable and at-risk who would otherwise fall through the cracks without these critical resources. The Unmet Needs Roundtable, frequently used after disasters across the nation, connects donors and specific matter experts with case workers advocating for their clients, disaster-affected households, who have exhausted all other means of assistance. Funding provided by the donors goes directly to vendors that can meet the needs — for example, a contractor or a landlord — ensuring a transparent system for recovery assistance. The Unmet Needs Roundtable is an essential mechanism for meeting the unmet basic (but often complex) needs of under-resourced survivors by providing financial assistance in emergencies or enabling sustainable long-term recovery.

“As Long Island moves into the third year of Sandy recovery, it is imperative for the Unmet Needs Roundtable to continue respond to the needs of Long Island’s Sandy survivors- especially those most vulnerable and at-risk.  HWCLI is thankful to have all of the roundtable funders and partners including New York Community Bank Foundation, who collectively, serve as a lifeline for so many.  We are so grateful for Marian’s thoughtful and heartfelt participation week after week at the Roundtable. ” -Gwen O’Shea, President/CEO, Health and Welfare Council of Long Island.